Starbucks Protein Drink Nutritional Facts Unveiled

After Covid 19, everyone wants to opt for a healthy food/beverage to enhance immunity. Since you have landed this page, you are also one of those health-conscious people looking for healthy protein beverages in Starbucks coffee shops.

To help you the most in building good immunity in your body, I have rounded up protein drinks that you can choose anytime to boost your immunity.

All these protein drinks are not too strong and just have the right flavor. When you start your morning with any one of the tantalizing beverages, you will feel that your energy has been revitalized.

Scroll down the screen and explore what Starbucks has for you in its relishing drinks.

List of popular Starbucks protein drinks

Check out your favorite protein drinks available in Starbucks coffee shops in the following paragraphs. All are examples of Starbucks barista’s craft.

1. Flat White (12 gm of protein in grande size)

Have you ever drunk the powerful espresso Flat White? If not, you should try this protein-charged espresso. With the right taste and flavor of two ristretto shots, this drink will supercharge you with energy and resilience for the whole day.

This is quite different from a latte because this doesn’t contain milk foam on the top. A velvety thin layer of steamed whole milk milk along with a latte art dot, will be there to enhance the taste.

2. Latte Macchiato (12 gm of protein)

The second drink that Starbucks prepares, considering the quantity of protein in the drink, is Latte Macchiato. This drink is prepared with steamed whole milk to enhance the level of protein.

The steamed whole milk is perfectly aerated and poured to create the dense foam. This is a signature espresso classic beverage that you will try once you have drunk it.

The two espresso shots are slowly poured over the dense foam of the whole milk to make it a delightful and classic espresso.

3. Caffe Latte (12 gm of protein in grande size)

One more healthy protein drink that Starbucks will prepare for you is Caffe Latte. It contains 12 gm of protein which is more than the recommended quantity of protein.

If you are a dark and rich espresso, then, Caffe Latte should be your first choice. Sbux partners prepare this drink with velvety and slightly sweet steamed whole milk. Then, they perfectly aerate it to create a light foam.

Then, perfect shots of espresso are added to make it a perfect drink for you.

4. Cappuccino (8 gms of protein in grande size )

Do you want to sip that drink that can show you the artistry and craft of Sbux baristas? If yes, you should sip a Cappuccino. This is a smooth milk espresso that will give you the strong taste of espresso.

You can easily revitalize your body and mood with this healthy protein drink. Furthermore, when you visit Starbucks next time, you should not forget to be thankful for Sbux baristas. After all, they create delicious and healthy drinks for you.

5. Protein Power Berry (10 gm of protein in the serving of 8 ounces)

If you want to drink protein juice instead of espresso, you should try healthy Protein Power Berry. Its enticing taste will charge you with energy at any time of day when you drink it.

Sbux baristas especially prepare this drink for you with sweet and tart strawberry and raspberry juices to create a smoothie protein drink.

6. Koia Vanilla Bean Protein Shake

Looking for a healthy vanilla shake? If yes, you should give your palate the tasty delight of Koia Vanilla Bean Protein Shake. Don’t worry; this healthy milkshake doesn’t contain an excessive amount of sugar in the bottle.

With minimal sugar, this protein milkshake has been prepared to give you the right taste. Enjoy this healthy and creamy delight today in your Sbux coffee shop.

7. Pistachio Latte (12 gm of protein in grande size)

Do you want to enjoy cozy pistachio flavors in your pistachio latte drink? If yes, you should taste the aromatic Pistachio Latte beverage. This will charge your lethargic moments with 12 gms of protein included in its nutrition.

Furthermore, a brown-buttery topping has been paired with steamed milk to give you just the right flavor. Enjoy this drink with two shots of espresso.

8. Iced White Chocolate Mocha (11 gm of protein in grande size)

You can try Iced White Chocolate Mocha as this contains 11 gm of protein. But you should try it if you can drink excessive sugar in your beverage. This espresso is considered the superb white chocolate espresso.

This signature espresso is crafted with white chocolate sauce, milk, and ice. Then, it gets the nbice finishing with the topping of vanilla whipped cream. You can customize whipped cream.

9. Iced Caramel Macchiato (10 gm of protein in grande size)

Start your day with the refreshing taste of Iced Caramel Macchiato. This drink is prepared with steamed milk and rich espresso.

It should be your favorite drink if you love the topping of vanilla cream with caramel. This is a delightful drink that you should enjoy if you have not enjoyed it till now. It contains the recommended amount of protein of 10 gm.


Is Starbucks Matcha drink healthy?

No, the Starbucks Matcha drink is not healthy because of the extra use of sugar and the use of cheap quality green tea powder in it. You can enjoy Matcha tea at home instead of enjoying it in Starbucks.

Does Starbucks do protein shakes?

Yes, Starbucks has a delicious protein milkshake for you. You should try Koia Vanilla Bean Protein Shake.

Which Starbucks drink is good for after a workout?

You need a protein drink after a long workout. You can try any one of the protein-healthy drinks at Starbucks, as suggested in the article.


Finally, you have got your favorite healthy and delicious delight in Starbucks. All protein drinks mentioned in this article are really amazing. You can refresh your day with any of these drinks.

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